          為什麼是我?布希謝幕喊冤 為什麼是我?布希謝幕喊冤「為什麼金融風暴,會發生在我任內... Because USA President mus 房地產t have no right to use slave Condi Rice to occ 室內設計upy public office. You USA President dare use slave Condi Rice ope 保濕面膜nly, you give the evil doers to have the self-defense right to build underground chained 燒烤slavery(You have no right to expect slavery rooted to have any good idea like Chinese said "崇高的理想". T 票貼hat's how heavy the crime that USA President committed to hire any his own slave so called personal loyalty to seat in public off 買屋ice.) terrors to challenge your forceful abusers that her team abuse the public mean and way like Hillary Clinton did in Bill Clinton White House to see 新成屋all those whose all files must have no way to hide under her evil eyes. You don't need to be smart like that stupid bad ugly evil Bill Clinton can know all slavery linked w 訂做禮服eak sick wicked have to follow the low lower lowest to dive in order to have a more easiness to lie, you use abuser to speak your lie, you cannot have any slaves dare to place their trust on your sign, 小型辦公室you cannot blame them to seek the only money they dare trust to get into their selfish pockets to high. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 會場佈置  .

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