          回覆:神的預知 # 1259 好房網EC%B7%BD%D2%B9%CC%B8&pn=1050 Th 吳哥窟erefore, I realized how come US arranged Sotomayor t 裝潢he forms of "Sue.Show.Nun"-"Chen.Xin"-"Lee.Ju.What"-"Chow.Fun.May"-"Jane 結婚.Arm.Gun"-"Anita Mui"-"Anita Hill"-"Child.Chin"-"Whitney Houston"-"Angelina Jolie"-"Condi Rice" G2000to seat into US supreme Court, so that she can concentrate more mean and way back to Taiwan to stay beside her son the Taiw 烤肉食材an military highly ranked figure "Lee.Way" (The son of Bush senior's daughter Condi Rice and Clearance Thomas-"孫國慶"-劉文正-陳凱平 酒店兼職; "Lee Way" was born in USA by Condi Rice and 陳凱平, but they tooled Angus Tung-李瓊's name as "Lee.Way" dad to get the born in Taiwan title for Condi Rice a 面膜nd Clearance Thomas American born son whose last name supposed "Chen" as per his real dad 陳凱平. 陳凱平's dad serviced Taiwan Military Air Force)to get the most secret code out of m 酒店兼職ilitary linked between Taiwan and USA and Mainland China and the rest of the world.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 永慶房屋  .

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